
Showing posts from June, 2024

Becoming Phillipe Fornier

  ~ 1 ~ Phillipe Fornier was sitting on the stone patio of a beautiful house on the shores of Lake Leman in Switzerland. It was mid-June and the temperature was in the mid-twenties. He was sitting at a glass-topped table and looking out over the lake and the Swiss Alps behind them. His laptop was open in front of him. Beside him sat a couple of buttered croissants and a mug of coffee. He stared at the computer for a while, then took a sip of coffee and began to write. Phillipe’s real name was Jason Whiteside. But he didn’t use that name anymore. The name and the life that was attached to it was over. Someone had plans for Jason. And Jason wanted nothing to do with those plans. He had another idea, a vague notion that had been floating around in his head since he was in high school. A notion that very much involved being able to decide what he wanted to do with his life. Well, it was his life after all. And what he wanted to do with it had absolutely nothing to do with the life that had