
Showing posts from July, 2023

The Brothers Botticelli

    PRESENT TIME Frank Sacheli, a slimeball in his mid-thirties, lay on the bed in a sleazy motel in the east end of Toronto. He was watching TV and flipping the channel because he was restless. He got up and paced around the room a bit. On the bedside table, there was a 9 mm pistol. Sacheli sat back down on the bed and started flipping the channels again. Finally, he found something that grabbed his interest.  Suddenly the door burst open and, two very angry men entered. They were both carrying small shotguns. They quickly sized up the situation and moved to the bed. The larger man, Tiny, grabbed Sacheli from behind.  “Who the fuck are you?” Sacheli said, just before the other man knocked him into the headboard of the bed.  “We could be the last people you ever see, Frankie,” said the smaller man, Joseph, as he took Sacheli’s gun and tucked it into the back of his pants. “Yeah, Frank, you should have never come back to town.” the other guy, Tiny, said as grabbed Sacheli’s hands, wrenc